Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/tapping)


EFT, often known as tapping, uses the body’s meridian points to shift blocked energy and helps keep the body’s systems in balance. The body’s energy or ‘QI’ as it’s known as in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) becomes blocked when we experience trauma, negative emotions such as anxiety and stress, and physical pain or illness. Through tapping on specific meridian points that link to various organs we are able to release these experiences and sensations, whilst also sending a signal to our nervous system that we are safe (and therefore do not need to enter into the trauma response of fight/flight/freeze/fawn). EFT is a non-invasive, holistic treatment option.


Together we will tap through trauma, stress, anxiety and pain. Your mind and body will be able to release stuck energy and you will be able to live in flow. We’ll do this by gently finding a tapping approach that works for you as an individual. EFT is an incredibly helpful tool for processing trauma. We store a huge amount of trauma in the body which is why verbal processing is sometimes not enough if used alone. We will combine EFT with our therapy sessions or practise it as a stand alone treatment, dependent on what you need.