Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy

What is Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples?

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a form of couples therapy based on the principals of adult attachment theory. It focuses on rekindling the physical and emotional bond within the relationship. Its goal is to create a safe and secure space that allows each partner to be vulnerable, to share, to comfort, to listen and to grow through any difficult or traumatic circumstance. It is incredibly powerful in healing relationships due to its intense focus on the emotional bond between the two people.

What can EFT help couples with?

  • Dealing with and resolving conflict

  • Better understanding one another

  • Improving communication

  • Dealing with trauma such as loss, grief, infidelity, infertility/fertility struggles, divorce/separation, blended families, family issues/secrets/dysfunction

  • Strengthening the relationship

  • Moving forward and healing past wounds

  • Working through differences in attachment styles

  • Letting go of unhelpful dynamics and patterns

How does the process work?

We will have an assessment session where you can share what you’d like to work on with me and understand more about the process. I offer this for a subsidised rate so you can get a feel for how I work before fully committing. It’s important you both feel happy working with me. After that, the three of us will commit to a contract together which respects the principals of the work we’ll do. EFT couples therapy is for any two people who want to work on their relationship for example romantic partners, siblings, friends, parents & children.

Please note that as part of the assessment process I will always meet with you both individually as well as together. It’s important I get to know both of you and your stories in depth so I can understand how best to help with your relationship. These sessions are charged at the individual session rate.

How many sessions do we need?

This will depend on you as an individual couple; your engagement, time, availability, commitment and budget. We will tailor the process to you and regularly review how it’s going to ensure you both get the most out of the process.